Course curriculum
Welcome to the course
Meet the trainer - Donna Gunn from Unleash the Warrior
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Welcome to the course
Identify confident traits
Lesson 1 - Identifying confidence
Lesson 2 - Identify and address any insecurities
Lesson 3 - Implement good foundations to begin building confidence
Reprogram your mind with new beliefs
Lesson 1 - Understand your mind and the program you operate on
Lesson 2 - Reprogram to create a healthy mindset
Formidable Confidence - Recording
Developing the confident traits
Lesson 1 - Developing the confident traits
Creating the new you - form new habits
Lesson 1 - Practice for 21 days
Lesson 2 - Instructions on following the 21 days to the best YOU program
Download - 21 Days to the BEST you program
Formidable Confidence - Recording
Book One on One Consultation with Donna
End of Course Survey